Aluminium Industry Machinery

  • Chiller
  • Chiller
  • Chiller
  • Chiller


The chiller is an essential equipment in the aluminum profile coating workshop. It utilizes refrigeration technology to condense the moisture in the air into ice crystals and remove impurities and humidity during the condensation process. This ice crystal effectively lowers the workshop temperature, providing an ideal working environment for the successful implementation of the aluminum profile coating process.

The chiller holds significant value in the aluminum profile processing stage. Firstly, it reduces the workshop temperature, preventing deformation and exposure of the aluminum profiles during the coating process, ensuring product quality. Secondly, the chiller eliminates humidity in the workshop, effectively controlling the moisture content in the air, preventing corrosion of the aluminum profiles, and ensuring product durability and stability. Additionally, the chiller improves production efficiency as the low-temperature environment facilitates faster drying of the coating materials, reducing the production cycle.