Online Degassing System

  • Online Degasing System
  • Online Degasing System
  • Online Degasing System
  • Online Degasing System
  • Online Degasing System
  • Online Degasing System
  • Online Degasing System
  • Online Degasing System
Online Degasing SystemOnline Degasing SystemOnline Degasing SystemOnline Degasing SystemOnline Degasing SystemOnline Degasing SystemOnline Degasing SystemOnline Degasing System

Online Degasing System

Introduction to Online Degassing System:

Online degassing system is an essential component of the aluminum profile casting process, serving as a crucial element within the melting and casting equipment. Its primary function is to remove dissolved gases from the molten aluminum melt, ensuring the production of high-quality aluminum profiles.

Working Principle:
The online degassing system utilizes advanced technology to eliminate gases, mainly hydrogen and other impurities, from the molten aluminum. The process involves injecting gas purifying agents, such as chlorine or argon, into the melt, which react with the dissolved hydrogen. This reaction forms gaseous by-products that are then effectively removed from the system, resulting in purified aluminum.
By efficiently removing gases from the molten aluminum, the online degassing system offers several benefits. Firstly, it enhances the mechanical properties of the aluminum profiles, including improved strength, corrosion resistance, and reduced porosity. Additionally, it helps to minimize defects like surface bubbles and internal voids, resulting in higher-quality products.
Moreover, the online degassing system contributes to the overall operational efficiency of the aluminum profile production process. It enables a continuous and automated degassing process, facilitating uninterrupted casting operations. This leads to increased productivity, reduced downtime, and improved yield rates.
In summary, the online degassing system plays a vital role in the production of aluminum profiles within the casting process. It effectively removes dissolved gases, improving the quality of the final products and enhancing operational efficiency. With 11years experience, our company provide the best solution of online degassing system,to ensure the production of high-quality aluminum profiles for various applications as you need.